Sunday, May 31, 2009

What's The Latest on Facts of Collin County?

The latest numbers also show that Collin County is becoming a more diverse county. For example, since 2000 changes include:
 52 percent increase in our overall population
 85 percent increase in the Latino population
 Asian and African American populations have more than doubled
 35 percent increase in the Caucasian population
 65 percent increase in home owners 65 or older

Collin County citizens also have an educational level which is double the state and U.S. averages for workers:
 47 percent of those 25 years or older have a bachelor's degree or higher
 90 percent of workers 25 years or older have at least a high school diploma
 Less than 1 in 10 workers have dropped out of high school

Data regarding the standard of living of Collin County residents include:
 Per capita income is $10,000 higher per year than the national rate
 Median family income is almost $30,000 higher than the U.S. median
 Only 4 percent of families were estimated to be at or below the federal poverty line
 67 percent of occupied housing is owner-occupied
 $1,831 is the median monthly mortgage
 $906 is the median monthly rent
 2.8 average number per household

 There are 246,000 households
 3 percent of properties have been foreclosed upon
 80 percent of family households are traditional families
 57,000 adults living alone

 Our $0.24235 county tax rate is the second lowest of all the urban counties and sixth lowest overall among the state's 254 counties
 $230,000 is the average home value
Information provided by Joe Jaynes, Collin County Commissioner

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