Sunday, May 31, 2009

What Do You Know About Collin County?

As we become busier and busier with our everyday lives and are caught up in the issues of the day, it is easy to lose sight of what all of us have accomplished in making Collin County a quality place to live and raise families.

Below are some snapshots of data which, I hope, will give you a better view of your county provided by our Collin County Commissioner:
 Area: 848 square miles; 38 square miles of which is water
 27 cities and towns
 21 Independent School Districts
 0 Hospital Districts - Be aware of HB 515, which would make Collin County part of the Parkland Hospital District and would double your county tax rate.
 749,500 estimated population
 50/50 population split of males to females
 33.7 years median age
 25 percent of the population under 18
 6 percent over 65 years of age

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