Monday, February 21, 2011

Are Homes Shrinking?

Actually the new single-family homes are getting smaller according to research done by the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB).

The consumer has a desire to keep the energy costs down, there is not as much equity in the existing homes to roll over into new bigger homes, there are tighter credit standards to buy bigger, and there is less interest in buying homes as an investment.

Emphasis is on an inclination to buy less stuff, opting for a simpler life and Kelton Research finds that 56% of Americans are beginning to live less materialistic lives with the economy's collapse. Huge cars and huge houses are falling out of fashion, it seems.

Buyers are tending toward a green home half the size of the big house with solar and geothermal energy and built of materials that increase heating and cooling efficiency.

I'm not sure we are there yet in the Dallas area, but think that is becoming the trend to be smaller and more efficient. What do you think?

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