My Accident

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Went to Baylor hospital at 6:00 AM Monday ....the newer one off George Bush and Preston Road.  We were greeted at the front entrance with complimentary valet service.  Then, once indoor a pretty lady in a suit asked if we there for surgery and she would take us in the elevator as she held the doors while i shuffled along slowly and she pleasantly told me not to rush.

Baylor had called Saturday for details and I had to laugh when she asked if I was pregnant when I just had a birthday and was old, if I wanted counseling or a pastor ( it does have the Baptist name) and sure enough while I was signing very few papers since I was pre-registered, the Registrar said there was Dr. Graham and he prayed and visited with a lady in the waiting room who also was going into surgery.....and at 6:30 in morning!

Remember I am just having a couple of pins in my pinkie as Day Surgery, but I got the full treatment and was greeted, treated or cared for by at least 8 different friendly, lovely people.  They didn't make me repeat things a 100 times, brought warm blankets, explained every step of the process.  When giving blood at my doctors on Friday to prepare for surgery, I ended up with a huge bruise.  This nurse shot a little novacaine first and then IV which didn't hurt or bruise me.

As you can tell I was impressed with Baylor's service.  Wish I could have stayed.  This hand has really pained me and had to ask for stronger medicine finally on first day since I couldn't get on top of the pain.  Am still struggling with the pain....hurts to touch or move it, just elevate it...even the 2 good fingers that are visible are swollen!  This too will pass I am sure!

Saturday, July 30th, 2011

Had a great day after Birthday with my sister who lives here in Mesquite but has been out of town for these two weeks (exactly two weeks today I was hit).  She was my driver and escort to take me to get my hair fixed (one hand makes it hard to wash & style hair) and then out to a nice lunch and some errands.  Slows me down when I can't drive ....frustrating to depend on others!

Asked a client to come to me and they were so sweet to do so!

Not too excited about my surgery on Monday and was hoping to bypass it.  It is just to put pins in my little finger to make it stay in place.  If not, Doctor will go in and add a plate.  The pins, if works, will be removed in his office!!!  Ugh!

Not hurting so badly but just hard to move around and keep my business going. Have a great team and husband for which I am very thankful for all their help since we are busy!

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Today was my birthday and I had a lovely day. Had a Celebration (closing on a listing) in the morning, then my wonderful Team brought in a great Mexican lunch catered by Del Norte with their white cheese queso and Gualamole.  Ummmm good!

We met with the Hand Specialist this afternoon who told us what we knew with pins and scheduled it on Monday!  Was hoping we could bypass surgery but I want to be able to use my finger. Other guy who hit me just has $30,000 in medical so I will be running that up very quickly with surgery and 5 hours in emergency room and overnight in hospital.

Did get my new right shoe and it does fit better than one from hospital.  I'm a little unstable with my big boot but have been getting around very nicely and without so much pain in feet so hopefully breaks are healing.

Nelda stated on Facebook that I should be thankful my new car saved me so I could see all my Happy Birthday greetings and get well wishes!

And she is right....I am overwhelmed with such greetings from so many!  Very humbling!  Thanks to all of you for your lovely birthday greetings and best wishes!

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Getting There!

  Amanda, my daughter when she was here, took me to Terry Mooney, my long time hair dresser, to get my hair done so I would look decent since one hand does not work well. It made me feel better as well, so am thinking of going again! Some of you can remember us going to the beauty shop once a week to get our hair done.....didn't cost that much then. I did it on a teacher's salary.

Ribs do hurt and really miss use of my hand, have a broad yellow bruise across breast, chest that just showed up.....did break seatbelt in the accident.


Good news!  Yes, today after speaking to Geico insurance, my 6 week old car is irrepairable!  Don't have final word but will not accept anything less than a new 2011 Infiniti, C 37!!

Bad news is that my broken little finger on left is not healing straight after all so will need pens and surgery on Monday. We were hoping to by- pass any surgery but hopefully they won't have to open the hand with an incision to fix the bone,

Good news with the boot, my left foot feels so much very thankful although this boot is horrid to wear. Put on 3 pairs of slacks this morning  before I could find one that had a leg wide enough that it could go over the huge thing.  Hmmmm....another expense to buy "bell bottom" pants!  :). Wonder where I could find some??

Went to Trauma doctor and Doc will renew my pain pills.  I still need them for my ribs....seem to help when I start hurting.  Funny but when they took the body xrays and cat scans, some other stuff showed up like nodule on lymph gland, something metallic in me, small hernia, two broken and healed ribs!!  Never knew anything about those things. So guess what you don't know, won't hurt you!

I did get a splint on my broken hand so am very thankful I have 3 fingers free!  So excited!  I can button and hold things now!  I figured I could maybe drive but then Doctor said no way with 2 boots and pain medicine. My poor sweet chauffeur and I am busy right now!

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011


That's the way I feel with one hand! James, my sweet and never complaining love, has to wring out the washcloth for me to wash myself, help put on body cream, snap my bra,  put on my support hose to keep swelling down, open my eye contact containers, put my boot on, make up bed, make breakfast, take egg out of shell, and drive me around as my personal driver.

Makes me feel very worthless and am very tired of this but it may go on for 5 more weeks??  Then I worry about my stupid car....they will try to fix it and make me take it but I'm not. Think it is a conflict of interest to both be represented by same insurance company, don't you??

OK, enough of my pity party, Lord. He is teaching me it is out of my hands and into better Hands!


Had appointment with orthopedist to check my broken toe.  The toe hasn't hurt that badly but left foot has been killing me, walking or sitting!  I figured I had strained it but was not improving last 10 days since the car accident.

Doctor examined me and determined that I had two more small fractures on my left foot and proceeded to put a huge boot on me!  Up to the knee with a pump to air up the bladder in back of boot and using the other end of pump to let air out.  I had a regular shoe on my broken toe foot and he said no I needed a hard sole shoe.  They gave me one at the hospital but my toe hung over and did not feel good so I quit wearing it two days ago.  They are getting one to fit me in the morning so I will rock with big boot and this flat shoe on other foot.  James said it was good I was still upright!  His dry Irish sense of humor!

Talked to nurse Laura, one of my clients and she said I need to wear the hot sweaty huge thing to make it heal quicker.  So, I am in boots! And I thought "support" hose were bad!

Monday, July 25th, 2011

Hand Specialist

Went to hand specialist today with Amanda (my daughter who came from NY to be with me) and he gave us a couple of choices.  So glad "my personal doctor" was with me. Got teary eyed for some reason....guess maybe when he spoke of surgery.  Anyway he deadened my hand which hurt and then manipulated the break to put pieces back together.

Doctor was going to try one more time before suggesting putting pins in, when we heard a pop. Sent me for xrays and looks like it is almost back in place to heal.  Will leave cast on until Monday and xray again and go back to him. He will have custom splint made so I can at least have use of thumb and two fingers. Hurt but pleased, especially since it appears I have only one break. Now need to go check out feet. Left is hurting more than broken toe on right.

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

My Car Accident!

Finishing an appointment last Saturday around 2:45 turning into my parking lot from the left turn lane,I never got there. A car came barreling toward me in the opposite turn lane accerating straight for me. Never had a chance!  A sitting duck!  My 6 week old Infiniti and I went flying!

I walked away not thinking I was hurt but went to hospital because of a huge lump on my leg. After numerous xrays and catscans, I found to have 4 fractured ribs, 2 bones in left hand with cast now, and a broken big toe. Stayed overnight fearful that I was bleeding internally...just my busted lip with bruises.  It could have been worse. First accident besides backing into parked cars in my life and first broken bones. Guess that is pretty good. Lord has protected me and I am grateful.  It might have been my time to be with Him.