Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Health Care

Oh wow, this is a hot subject but I do want to comment. Yes, I do. This is a Blog and I can express my opinion on mine own Blog, I would hope.

Where are our old fashioned values of taking care of oneself? James and I are a little odd because we have not had insurance for the last 30 years. Oh, aren’t you just worried sick about what would happen to you? Well, I do trust the Lord and if He wants to take me that way with a long illness and take all our savings, it is His anyway, so He may do what He likes. And I have had Breast Cancer. But paid and negotiated the bills with cash with all the doctors and hospitals. They give discounts to insurance companies, they needed to give discounts to me and they did. In fact, my general doctor always gave me discounts for cash.

My girls didn’t have insurance either but we certainly did not run to the doctor every day with every little sickness. James and I are very seldom sick. Yes, we have been blessed and we do have aches and pains which we don’t like necessarily and I for one, do not like getting older, but we are very active and don’t have time to think of any pains.

I’m not saying everyone has the ability of saving enough money to take care of themselves when they do get sick but I am saying, they could have saved their money instead of buying that bigger house, or that new car or that boat or those trips instead of taking responsibility for their own lives. I think Corporate America has done the same thing. The company will take care of you with your medical and your retirement. If they don’t, the government will. I admit it is nice to go to the doctor for that checkup and walk out without paying anything but that can’t last forever either. People took care of their own needs and families and there was very little government involved in their lives except for protection and enforcing the laws back in the 40's. (Maybe they did not live as long, but with the new system, we may not either.)

Quit expecting someone or something to take care of you now or later, but take control and take care of yourself and do some planning ahead. That's my sermon today. And thank you for listening....or reading ....or whatever. You probably have some comments for me now.

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